Emirates International School Environment Club raises awareness about marine life

It was a pleasant unexpected surprise when, after an exchange of emails with UAE Dolphin project_EISM_yr72013Jesline, a YR 12 student and her teacher Rinaz, I went to meet them. Instead of being a preliminary meeting, I found a class of students eager to know everything about the project! It was a joy to answer to the many questions that the students of the Environmental Club had about dolphins. Following this, they organised a presentation to the YR 7 students and this what they reported in their newsletter:



Emirates International School Environment Club had invited a guest to raise awareness about marine life.

UAE dolphin project by Ada Natoli

We talked about dolphins and the fact that they are mammals like us but they adapted to live in aquatic environments, and what this implied for their evolution. We learned that dolphins do live not only in the sea but also in fresh waters like some species of river dolphins. The students were amazed by the fact that dolphins are also in the coastal waters of Dubai and Abu Dhabi and that everyone can see them if they pay attention when at sea! Students also learned which species are more common in UAE, what are the characteristics that allow to recognise them and that they can now report their sightings on the UAE Dolphin Project website. Lots of things for 40 minutes!! We would like to thank Dr. Natoli for the precious information she shared with us.

Secondary school students want to take actions…..

….for a better marine environment. Since the launch of the project we had lot of interest from secondary school students eager to support the project. Kevin and friends was the first group of students that started a public awareness campaign in their school. Some students ask what they could do to support the project, some others simply take the plunge! Harriet, from Dubai British School, took her own initiative and with an impeccable determination organised three presentations for younger years students in her school. Well done Harriet! Here her feedback:

My paragraph for the UAE Dolphin Project

by Harriet, YR 8

I took on the role of being the school representative for the environment that we live in and it was my job to help raise awareness about dolphins in the UAE in our school. My first job was to research about the project and dolphins themselves, I found it very interesting and was keen to get everybody else in school interested.

Armed with my research I visited every teacher in the primary school and told them about the project and asked if they would be interested in learning more for themselves and their pupils. All teachers were very interested but because of teaching commitments not all could take part in the time given.  However teachers from foundation, year 2 and year 4 were all keen to take part.

My next role was to contact Dr Ada from the project and ask if she was willing to visit our school and help us learn more. Dr Ada was fantastic and visited school on several occasions to talk to the classes and help them learn more. Each of the year groups enjoyed the talks and the feedback from the teachers was really positive. The talks were interesting, fun and engaging and at the end the children were so eager to learn more that there was a sea of hands all wanting to ask questions.

I would like to continue to support the UAE Dolphin Project and I am now considering how Dubai British School can help raise awareness throughout the UAE.

UAE Dolphin Project in French

After our success at the LFGP annual Kermesse last March, the UAE Dolphin Project went again multilingual presenting in French to the YR 3 students of the Lycée Français Georges Pompidou in Out Metha, Dubai. The children were extremely interested and didn’t not miss the occasion to ask many questions about dolphins and whales. Thank you to the teachers to include the project in the School newsletter this month!


No child is too young to learn about dolphins and conservation of our marine environment!

The UAE Dolphin project met the KG1 children of the Emirates International ParisKG1_2013School Meadows on the 30th of May 2013 to talk about whales and dolphins and what everyone can do to help our marine environment. As part of their Primary Year Curriculum, the three-four year old children were discovering “Living things”. Over 120 attentive little students listed carefully to the brief presentation that took them through what is a dolphin and a whale, how to distinguish them and where they live (including our waters!) and what everyone can do every day to protect our marine environment, starting from reducing our plastic consumption. Some parents were also present and very interested too! Here some of the kid’s artworks!



Dubai English Speaking School Green Club Kids learn about dolphins…

….and they were very interested indeed! We have never seen so many attentive kids asking so many questions, what a joy! Mrs Sue runs the Green Club every Tuesday afternoon, an after school activity at DESS primary school attended by children from year 3 to year 6. It was with great pleasure that we took up her invitation to present the UAE Dolphin Project to her students on the 18th of February 2012.

We talked about dolphins and the fact that they are mammals like us but they adapted to live in aquatic environments, and what this implied for their evolution. We learned that dolphins do live not only in the sea but also in fresh waters like some species of river dolphins. The children were amazed to discover that there are also dolphins in Nepal! Most importantly we discuss the fact that dolphins are also in the coastal waters of Dubai  and Abu Dhabi and that everyone can see them if they pay attention when at sea! Kids also learned which species are more common in UAE, what are the characteristics that allow to recognise them and that they can now report their sightings on the UAE Dolphin Project website. Lots of things for 45 minutes!! I really hope to see them all soon for another exciting talk!